KT-GW 电车线紧固夹具
● KT-GW 电车线紧固夹具主要作用是在电车线新线与新线或旧线与新线安装对接接头时,能够防止电车线的扭面旋转,使两对接电车线端头能在同一平面对齐,从而形成一个较稳固的操作空间,作业时安全方便、轻松快捷。使用此产品后安装一个连接头由原来的25 分钟,缩短到3 分钟完成作业(仅8.6kg)
● 接触线在展放后会出现线面扭曲现象,造成线面不正导致吊悬线夹不正,因此可能出现打弯现象,导线拧面器可将不正的线面扭正,确保不出现线夹打弯现象
KT-LT-S 拧面器
KT-LT-85,110,120,150 拧面器
KT-LT-D 拧面器(可调式)拧面器配合
KT-GW 校正电车线
● Low KT - GW tram line tighten clamp the leading role in the trolley line new line with new or old line with new line installing a butt joint, can prevent the tram line of twisted face rotation, make the two docking tram line can end in the same plane alignment, thus forming a relatively stable operation space, safe and convenient, easy and quick when working. After using this product to install a connector from 25 minutes, reduced to 3 minutes to complete the homework (8.6kg)
● Contact wire after with the distortions of appears, line and plane, lead to wire surface is not straight suspension clamp is not straight, so may appear bending phenomenon, lead screw surface is not straight line can be surface twist is, ensure that don't appear clamp bending phenomenon
KT - LT - S screw surface
KT - LT - 85110120150 screw surface
KT - LT - D twist surface (adjustable)
Screw surface with KT - GW school
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