产品别名 |
灌胶机 |
面向地区 |
设备主要应用于硅胶(silica gel)、环氧树脂(epoxy resin)、聚氨酯(polyurethane)等双组份液体A、B胶的自动计量、配比、混合及自动定量灌注。SMART-MIXER-2A系列双组份灌胶机采用PLC编程控制,智能触摸屏操作,设备操作简单易学。两个储料罐分别单存储A、B两组份胶料;根据根据胶料的性能和工艺要求,可对料罐内的胶料进行加温(降低粘度,使其流动性更好)、搅拌(防沉淀、料温均匀)、抽真空(真空脱泡、真空保存原料)等一些列预处理。根据胶料的性能及工艺流量要求匹配适合的计量泵浦,计量系统采用伺服电机驱动进口精密计量泵浦实现A、B胶的计量和连续、稳定供料。根据胶料的不同选用静态/动态混合装置,实现A、B胶的均匀混合。
混合单元Mixing Unit
1.A、B料管选用不同颜色,易于区分。Different colors of A、B tube make it easy to distinguish.
2.旋转吊臂,可180°旋转作业。The rotating boom can rotate 180 °
3.专利静态混合装置,可拆卸,维护方便。Patented static mixing device, detachable, easy to maintain.
4.根据流量选配不同类型的静态混合器,确保混合均匀。Different types of static mixers are selected according to the flow to ensure uniform mixing.
5.混合头带回吸功能,收胶后不滴不漏。The mixing head has the function of sucking back, so there is no dripping or leakage after receiving the glue.
6.配备自动清洗功能,,使用方便,延长静态混合器使用寿命。Automatic cleaning function, high efficiency, convenient and prolong static mixer service life.
7.根据胶水性能要求可选配动态搅拌功能(D)及自动循环功能(X)。Dynamic mixing function (D) and automatic circulation function (X) can be selected according to the glue performance requirements.
选配功能Optional function1 动态混合功能(D)Dynamic mixing function 定制专利动态混合枪头Customized patented dynamic mixing gun head2 螺杆泵(L)Screw pump 台湾将英填料螺杆计量泵Special screw metering pump with filling (Taiwan JION)3 料罐加热功能(H1)Heating function of tank 发热片电加热&欧姆龙精密温控Electric heating of heating plate&OMRON temperature control4 料罐加热功能(H2)Heating function of tank 双层料罐油循环加热&欧姆龙精密温控Oil circulation heating of double layer tank&OMRON temperature control5 管路加热功能(H3)Heating function of tube 定制加热料管&欧姆龙精密温控Customized heating glue tube&OMRON temperature control6 恒温控制功能(H4)Thermostatic control 双层料罐&冷热一体机&欧姆龙精密温控Double layer tank&Chiller&OMRON temperature control7 料罐搅拌功能(S1)Stirring function of tank 气动搅拌装置Pneumatic Stirring device8 料罐搅拌功能(S2)Stirring function of tank 电动调速搅拌装置Electric speed regulating Stirring device9 自动循环功能(X)Automatic cycle function 定制带循环混合枪头&增加循环管路Customized mixing gun head with circulation&added circulation tube10 压力监测功能(P)Pressure monitoring function 增配压力传感器,压力异常自动报警Equipped with pressure sensor, automatic alarm for abnormal pressure11 真空功能(V)Vacuum function 增配真空泵,用于真空上料及真空脱泡Add vacuum pump for vacuum feeding and vacuum deaeration