关键词 |
流化床包衣机,混合制粒机,湿法制粒机实验室型,湿法制粒机 |
面向地区 |
品牌 |
其它 |
操作方式 |
连续式 |
干燥介质 |
烟道气 |
加工定制 |
是 |
适用物料 |
片状 |
温度范围 |
低温式 |
应用领域 |
核电 |
摘要(英):The invention discloses a spiral-flow type fluidized bed coater, which comprises an initial efficiency filter and a medium efficiency filter with air inlets, a dehumidifier, cold and hot air doors, a heater, a high efficiency filter, a gas spiral guide cylinder, a coating container, a filtering chamber, an induced draft system, an infusion and atomization system and a control system which are connected and communicated in turn. An ascending spiral gas spiral guide plate is arranged on an inner wall of the gas spiral guide cylinder; a shell of the coating container is a spherical container; airflow spiral guide discs and a rotary atomizer are arranged inside the coating container; and the airflow spiral guide discs are in conical arrangement through superposition, and the rotary atomizer extends out of the conical top. The spiral-flow type fluidized bed coater can realize the spiral motion state of the airflow in a fluidized bed, realizes the functions of rapidly coating and drying, and has high coating quality. The obtained surface coating is uniform and smooth; and the spiral-flow type fluidized bed coater can prepare slow-release preparations, and mask odor and color the preparations.
主营行业:喷雾干燥机 |
公司主营:喷雾干燥器,干法制粒机,闪蒸干燥机,振动流化床干燥机--> |
采购产品:喷雾干燥机 |
主营地区:常州市武进区西太湖锦华路11号 |
企业类型:有限责任公司 |
注册资金:人民币20080000万 |
公司成立时间:2014-07-09 |
员工人数:50-99 |
经营模式:服务型 |
最近年检时间:2018年 |
登记机关:常州市天宁区市场监督管理局 |
经营范围:干燥设备、化工设备的研发、设计、制造、安装及技术服务;混合制粒设备、制药机械、包装设备、机器人码垛设备的制造;五金产品的销售;自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务,国家限定企业经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |
公司邮编:213000 |
公司电话:0519-88968880 |
公司传真:0519-88968686 |
公司邮箱:lm@chinalemar.com |
公司网站:http://www.chinalemar.com/ |